

UHart’s employee affinity networks are part of the University's strategic efforts to ensure an inclusive environment where employees experience a greater sense of belonging 和 engagement, 和 where all are empowered to succeed. Affinity networks are voluntary associations composed of 教师 和 工作人员 和 are formed around shared identities, 目的, 共同的兴趣. 包括种族, 国家的起源, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 宗教, 等. Each affinity network determines its own scope 和 priorities with a primary focus to develop 和 improve the campus climate by increasing the presence of diverse 教师 和 工作人员.  In short, affinity networks benefit the entire university. 

Objectives of UHart’s 关联网络:

  • 校园事务: foster professional development, social networking, 和 peer mentorship

  • Support the 招募ing 和 retaining of a diverse talent: 招募, 雇佣, 留住熟练的员工, 教师, 和 administrators that reflect the diversity of the students that we serve

  • 宣传: advocate for policies 和 programs to meet the needs of members of underrepresented groups, address campus leadership regarding common concerns with a collective voice

  • 教育: broaden cultural awareness on campus

  • 庆祝: spotlight the achievements 和 accomplishments of 工作人员 和 教师

All 工作人员 和 教师 are invited to join today!

UHart's Sanctioned Employee 关联网络

We are an affinity group of native 和 non-native students, 校友, 工作人员, 和 教师 dedicated to amplifying indigenous voices. We meet monthly on Zoom to plan events 和 programs, such as a trip to a powwow at Yale this past month 和 an upcoming talk this summer by Clan Mother Shoran Waupatukuay Piper of the Golden Hill Paugussett. 你可以阅读更多 立博体育官网我们工作的立博网站中文版.

If you would like to join our group, please email Judy Wyman at wyman@m-y-c.net .

BIPOC工作人员的使命 & 教师 Affinity Network is to cultivate a conducive environment to assist in the sustained professional 和 personal growth 和 success of BIPOC 工作人员, 教师, 和 associated allies at the 立博体育官网.

网络领袖: Llonia Rojan Jackson

The mission of the Disabilities Affinity Network is to engage the 立博体育官网 community 和 raise awareness through 支持 和 discussion related to the promotion of equal opportunities 和 the elimination of barriers for persons with disabilities. 

网络领袖: Dianne希里曼

The mission of the 教师 of Marginalized Genders Affinity Network is to provide the opportunity for sharing insight into 教师 governance, 提升成员领导力, to engage on curricular 和 classroom issues, to participate in shared readings 和 discussions 和 to mentor 和 支持 教师 of marginalized 性别s at the university.

网络领袖: 黎明埃尼斯

The Interfaith Affinity Network creates a venue for communication across different faiths through intentional gatherings, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的, to discuss or share thoughts 和 experiences related to various faiths. We do this for all employees of the University who wish to participate, because fostering underst和ing across communities of diverse beliefs builds 支持 for the University community as a whole. 

网络领袖: 黛安娜Verrochi

The mission of the 国际 Scholarship, 教育, 和 Engagement (I-SEE) Affinity Network is to become the driving force to initiate 和 implement all efforts that have an international component to help enhance 和 exp和 UHart’s reputation. 

网络领袖: Yingcui李

The mission of the LGBTQ+ 教师/工作人员 Affinity Network is to provide a safe space for networking, 支持, 和友情. We advocate for inclusivity 和 equity in the workplace, campus community, 和 beyond. We honor the privacy of our network.

网络领袖: 娜塔莎Segool

The mission of the Women’s Affinity Network is to provide a safe, 开放, welcoming 和 inclusive place for all women 和 all who identify as women, 建立关系网,建立联系, to share oncampus 和 community resources for women’s professional 和 personal development, 讨论问题, 提供和接受支持, 和 ultimately to advance women’s leadership 和 celebrate women’s successes at the 立博体育官网.

网络领袖: 蒂娜Berrien 和 迪娜·莫里斯

Affinity Networks in the news

洞察多样性, the oldest 和 largest diversity 和 inclusion publication 和 job board in higher education today, named the 立博体育官网 I-SEE亲和网络 a recipient of a 2020 the inaugural INSIGHT into 多样性 Inspiring Affinity Group Awards. The 2020 Inspiring Affinity Group award recipients were profiled in the July/August issue of 洞察多样性 magazine.


We encourage the formation of new affinity networks 和 would like to 支持 any employees interested in starting one. 请联系 克里斯汀•格兰特 了解更多立博网站中文版.